Cutting-edge policy development.Sarah Kline has a proven history of creating innovative solutions to thorny legislative and regulatory issues. Her proposals were included in the last two surface transportation laws, MAP-21 and SAFETEA-LU, as well as the 9/11 Commission Act, the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, the Housing and Economic Recovery Act, and others.
Reliable research. Sarah Kline has spearheaded numerous research projects designed to illuminate current trends, discover best practices, and make the case for better transportation and community development outcomes.
Compelling education, training, and outreach. Sarah Kline delivers easy-to-understand presentations that have demystified the legislative process, translated technical regulatory proposals into plain English, and clarified complex financing structures for audiences ranging from elected officials to grassroots activists.
Deep insight and strategic advice. Sarah Kline has over two decades of experience in federal legislative development and advocacy and strong ties within the transportation community, enabling her to navigate challenging issues to a successful conclusion.
Proven project management. Sarah Kline effectively manages tasks, time, and budget to deliver quality products that consistently exceed expectations.